where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Note, Quote

Roosevelt, Dreams

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Dreams, some people consider this what happens when one sleeps. However, I know better. I know that dreams can become a reality if one is willing to work hard and put the time and effort into making them a reality. My big dream is to work for myself, to be “self employed”. Despite the work that goes into that dream, I look forward to making it a reality. We should always work towards our dreams. We should always work towards changing our reality and educating ourselves and putting those dreams out in front. Pictures or descriptions can be put on mirrors, refrigerators, or closet doors.  I used to put 3×5 cards on my bedroom wall with these quotes on them. So, that everyday I would take the time to read them and remember that I had something to work on.

Dream it, then Achieve it!

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