where character counts and integrity is the keystone


Snow Leopard – Round One

I installed Snow Leopard last night with minimal problems, the biggest problem was 1Password.  I had a few applications that stopped working, like AirTrafficControl [a Dashboard Widget].  It did not run in 64-Bit mode.  This morning, I am doing a clean install so that I can reboot from external back up and fix the 1Password issue.  Then I will use Migration Assistant to move my accounts over.

I like the interface and Expose looked really nice.  So, I am listening to Windows Weekly from TWiT, installing OS X: Snow Leopard, and the surfing on the Mini 10.

I am hoping that my recovery and work-around will work. If not, install Leopard and then recover my data, and update the 1Password db.  Backup the disk and [clean] reinstall Snow Leopard.  Then finally migrate the accounts.

iron wil


  1. sarahkathryn

    All of Adobe CS3 won't work with it either. I am looking at buying CS4 but it is $400 for the Design Premium suite.

  2. sarahkathryn

    All of Adobe CS3 won't work with it either. I am looking at buying CS4 but it is $400 for the Design Premium suite.