where character counts and integrity is the keystone


The Adamantium Mailbox?

DomainKeys Identified Mail has been given the all clear. We will see if it can stop all the nasty spam before it gets to our inboxes. This is a promising new development in the eMail world.

Simply it works like this: (1) your eMail server gets an eMail and checks the header for the incoming domain; (2) if the DomainKey in the eMail matches to the sending server [eg, theironwil [at] gmail.com matches gMail.com], you get it in your inbox; and (3) if it doesn’t, it is marked as spam and you never see it.

I am looking forward to seeing this implemented, it will really reduce the amount of spam in my family account.

If you want to read the whole article from C|Net News, click here.

iron wil

Note: In case you have never heard of Adamantium.