where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Story, Quote

Samuel Johnson, Curiosity

Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” – Samuel Johnson

Over the past several days, I have been thinking about how to express this quote and what I needed to say to convey my thoughts and feelings about ‘Curiosity’. From an early age, I learned that knowledge is power and can be used in various ways to the benefit or breakdown a persons social standing and relationships. Like many I tried both sides of the fence; I eventually learned that I enjoyed sharing what I know with the right group or selected individuals and that I didn’t like to share with those who just wanted to be my friend or team member because of the information that I possessed. May of you are now thinking of those classroom work groups where one person [the one who finished the homework] sat around while the rest of the group copied the work sheet.

Over time and with the right people, I learned to share and enjoy the feedback and experiences that came along with discussing and thinking with like minded individuals. The concept captured in this quote can be expressed simply – Curiosity = desire to learn. Then to think and evolve oneself through introspection. To seek knowledge and experience to expand your own personal understanding of the universe and world around you. The most difficult aspect is to be open enough to change your views of the world and universe around you when you learn a new truth. Another genius put it this way “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”.

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