where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Story

A new Direction

This last month I have been wondering what I should be doing with my career and what direction I should take.  I have been struggling with going into management or pursuing a security cert direction [CISSP].  Part of my problem is that my company is not really into paying for Boot Camps or the week long training courses with the certification test at the end.

As I have been going through this process I started listening to Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk.  In this book he focuses on pursuing what you love and doing that one thing.  I took the initiative and started to write down the things that I love to do.  One of those things is my religion which I dedicated to … the other is my job and hobby.  Computers!  So, I started to write about the things that I like about computers and what drives me and what things I really like about computers.

While these things were rolling around in my head; I remembered that my boss told me he didn’t want to lose me since I am his resident Apple expert … then it hit me, Apple Certifications.  The group I am working for right now will create a need for more Apple hardware and those who know how to use and monitor and SysAdmin those machines.

Thanks Gary for getting me to think about what I am doing and where I need to move my career.

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