where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Story

Keeping my Balance

Saturday was a busy day for my family.  The wife had to work and she left me a few erands to run.  I needed to take out the trash, run to Safeway for some Italian Soda, and then wash the boys & myself; and then get to the wedding on time.  This didn’t sound to bad, I had about 4 hours.

Everything went smoothly until it was time to get everyone cleaned up.  Now, like many parent with kids under 3 it is very likely to shower & bath them at the same time.  Today, I put both boys in the shower with me.  I was making great progress too!  I was clean and then washed the youngest & had all but the oldest hair washed & teeth brushed.  He didn’t want to have his hair washed – most kids don’t.  So, while holding the younger kid in my left arm, I bent down [in a squat] and procedded to wash the older son’s hair.  That is when I lost my balance.  I slipped and fell landing on my crack and a bulldozer.  Needless to say – I am fine & so are the boys; however, the bulldozer didn’t make it.

When I fell, my right foot glanced off my son’s side, no harm or direct hit . . . he looked up all upset and then said, “Daddy are you getting a bath with us?”.  I laughed and said no.  Soon, I was back on my feet and we were headed out the door for the wedding.

The funniest part was my SILs reaction to the story.

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