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Home Server – being served soon

Microsoft has been developing a product called “Home Server“. This software product is being touted as the product to protect your network and backup all of your Windows machines. It has been tested [beta version] by some consumers and industry pundits. Paul Thurrott, of WinSuperSite and Windows Weekly, has given a good review and looks forward to seeing the finished product.

Yesterday, Ars Technica published a story briefly detailing that some of the HP Home Server pricing and model specs had been leaked online. While this is not really big news yet, what the Home Server will do could be. The promise of automatic backups, easy restores, automatic software updates, and vendor specific customization is rather tasty. [If it works well, I know a set of parents who will end up with one.]

Since most homes don’t have a server or a unified way to protect the data on their computers Microsoft has come up with a solution that promises to be easy for the average user to use [meaning . . . some of you will still need to give it to your teenager and ask them to set it up]. I am looking forward to seeing this product in action and to hear/read the reviews of others.

iron wil