where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Personal Story, Quote

Hannibal, Find A Way

We must either find a way or make one!” – Hannibal

I was trying to make it through college, working full time and going to school full time and volunteering at church. These took up most of my time. It worked for me because I still have time, during the day to take care of the shopping, cleaning, cooking, and other regular tasks that a single guy needs to manage. I got a bit of grief from my friends because I didn’t have much time (or money) to hang out with them and to participate in all of their activities.

I was bound and determined to make ends meet, pass my classes, and find personal time to recharge. There were many times when I had to make my way alone without the help of others. I made my own way. Frank Sinatra sings of New York, “If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere”. While I wasn’t in New York, I feel that I could make it anywhere.

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