where character counts and integrity is the keystone

Article, Quote

Wilson, Rituals

I listen to Rich Dad Radio Show each week and a few weeks ago … the August 20th, 2016 episode titled “Find Meaning, Find Success”; is an interview with JW Wilson about the affects of formal education on the mind. What stood out to me the most was this statement made by Mr. Wilson.

Rituals let your biology know you are serious about a commitment; then your body relaxes into the commitment.” – JW Wilson

It hit home with me because it is true and because I have put this into practice most of my life without realizing that this applied. I stood in front of quotes for years reading them and making them a very real part of me. I can look back to my college days, when I read my collected quotes daily as part of my morning ritual. It allowed me to make them a part of me. As the biblical saying goes, “it is written on your heart”. When you learn, study, and work on some commitment you make; you have to internalize it. When you add it to your routines (i.e. rituals), your body knows that you are serious. Your mind knows that you are serious.

You then begin to change and develop the personal tools that you need to move into your new commitment. When we look at how often New Year’s Resolutions fail … we can see the lack of commitment and changes to personal rituals that will empower the individual and assist them in making those changes permanent.

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